XML Image and Video Gallery


Using XML allows you to define a playlist of images and videos outside of the HTML file. An XML file is actually a text file, the format of the XML file is as following. For more details about XML playlist, please refer to http://html5box.com/html5gallery/install.php#xml

<title>Trees</title> <link><![CDATA[http://html5box.com]]></link>
<title>Big Buck Bunny</title>
<title>Big Buck Bunny - YouTube</title>
<title>Big Buck Bunny - Vimeo</title>

The following gallery will read play list from the XML file "player.xml" which is at the same directory of current web page.

<div class="html5gallery" data-width="480" data-height="270" data-xml="player.xml"  style="display:none;">