HTML5 Gallery Installation Guide

Advanced Tutorials

  1. How to create a fully responsive photo and video gallery
  2. How to further customize HTML5 Gallery skin with CSS
  3. How to read play list dynamically from PHP web service
  4. How to initialize the HTML5 Gallery after the web page is loaded
  5. How to create an HD video player

Installation - Quick Start

Installation of HTML5 Gallery is extremely simple and straightforward.

1. Download the HTML5 Gallery Free Version.

2. Unzip the package, upload the folder html5gallery to your web server.

3. Reference the file jquery.js and html5gallery.js which is in the folder html5gallery before the </head> of your web page. If you already have a jQuery script in your web page, you need to add html5gallery.js after your jQuery file. The minimum required version of jQuery is 1.6.

<script type="text/javascript" src="html5gallery/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="html5gallery/html5gallery.js"></script>

If your website already has a jQuery, do not add the jquery.js line, only add the html5gallery.js AFTER the existing jquery on your webstie:

<script type="text/javascript" src="html5gallery/html5gallery.js"></script>

4. Add a div with class html5gallery to your webpage where you want to display the Gallery. Define the size of the Gallery with HTML5 tag data-width and data-height. To hide all images before the Gallery is loaded, set the div's style to style="display:none;"

<div class="html5gallery" data-width="480" data-height="270" style="display:none;">

5. Add images to this div to make a Gallery. The thumbnail is specified in the img tag, the full size image is defined in href attribute of the surrounded a tag. The title is defined in alt attribute of img tag.

<div class="html5gallery" data-width="480" data-height="270" style="display:none;">
    <a href="images/Trees_large.jpg"><img src="images/Trees_small.jpg" alt="Trees"></a>
    <a href="images/Island_large.jpg"><img src="images/Island_small.jpg" alt="Island"></a>
    <a href="images/OperaHouse_large.jpg"><img src="images/OperaHouse_small.jpg" alt="Opera House"></a>

6. In the HTML5 Gallery, the href value in <a> tag goes to the large image in the slideshow. If you want to add a clickable link to the image, you need to use data tag link and linktarget, for example:

<div class="html5gallery" data-width="480" data-height="270" style="display:none;">
    <a href="images/Trees_large.jpg" data-link="" data-linktarget="_blank" ><img src="images/Trees_small.jpg" alt="Trees"></a>

7. Your Photo Gallery is ready to go, you can now open your webpage in a web browser to test the HTML5 Gallery.

Add Video to Gallery

Add videos to the Gallery is straightforward and is exactly the same way as Add Images to Gallery. You can display videos and still images in same Gallery.

The following codes add two video clips to the Gallery. The thumbnail is specified in the img tag, the video source is defined in href attribute of the surrounded a tag. The title is defined in alt attribute of img tag. You can also add a poster image for the video with tag data-poster.

To add a high quality mp4/m4v video file, use data tag data-hd.

To add a webm video for Firefox HTML5 player, you can use tag data-webm. To add a high quality webm video, use data tag data-hdwebm. If webm video are not provided, it will use Flash player to play mp4/m4v file in Firefox.

The normal quality video will be played as default. To configure the HD video as default, add a data tag data-hddefault="true" to the gallery div.

<div class="html5gallery" data-width="480" data-height="270" style="display:none;">
    <a href="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.m4v"><img src="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.jpg" alt="Big Buck Bunny 1"></a>
    <a href="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.m4v"><img src="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_2.jpg" alt="Big Buck Bunny 2"></a>
    <a href="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.m4v" data-poster="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1_1024.jpg"><img src="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.jpg" alt="Big Buck Bunny 1"></a>
    <a href="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.m4v" data-webm="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.webm"><img src="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_2.jpg" alt="Big Buck Bunny 2"></a>

To play video on mobile and tablet devices, the format of your video files must be be Flash and HTML5 compatible. For how to convert your video files, see Convert Video to HTML5 Compatible Format.

To create an HD video player, you can view the tutorial How to create an HD video player.

Upgrade to Commercial License

HTML5 Gallery Commercial Version is free from branding and you can use your own logo. To upgrade to Commercial Version:

1. Make your payment at

2. Once your payment is completed, your account information will be sent to your email address in minutes. Log in the Members Area and download the Commercial Version.

3. To upgrade an existing Gallery, overwrite the html5gallery.js with the Commercial Version.

Convert Video to HTML5 Compatible Format

To play with HTML5, the format of your video file must be HTML5 compatible.

HandBrake is an open source, GPL-licensed application for encoding MP4 video. It works on Windows, Linux and Mac.

HandBrake comes with a graphic interface which makes it very easy to use. After you open HandBrake, click Source button on the main toolbar and choose a video file. On the right side, there is a list of Presets, you can choose the option iPhone & iPod Touch.

Make sure you also check the option "Web Optimized". The option is also known as "Fast start" or "Progressive downloading". It will place the container header at the start of the file, and allow your video to start playing while it's still downloading.

Click Start and wait for the encoding complete, the converted video file is ready to go.

Responsive, Skin, Size and Background

Thanks to HTML5, we can now use HTML5 data tag to setup all parameters of the Gallery. Since HTML5 data tag is pure HTML code, it will be much easier than using JavaScript, especially when you are integrating the gallery to a CMS system.

The data attribute name must be prefixed with data-, and it should not contain any uppercase letters. The value should be a string. For example, to configure the skin of the gallery to vertical, we can add a data attribute to the div: data-skin="vertical" .

The following code will configure the Gallery to use the Vertical Skin. The image width will be 400, the height will be 225. An online demo is at Vertical Skin Example.

<div class="html5gallery" data-skin="vertical" data-width="400" data-height="225" style="display:none;">
    <a href="images/Waves_1024.jpg"><img src="images/Waves_256.jpg" alt="Waves"></a>
    <a href="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.m4v"><img src="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.jpg" alt="Big Buck Bunny 1"></a>

From version 3.1, the HTML5 Gallery became fully responsive.

To configure the HTML5 Gallery as responsive, you only need to add a data tag to the div:data-responsive="true". When this option is on, the gallery will adjust its width to the full width of its parent container, and change its height according the aspect ratio of the default width and height.

Another option for responsive design is responsivefullscreen. This option is only valid when the option responsive is true.

  • If the option responsive is true, but responsivefullscreen is false, the gallery will change its width to the width of its parent container, but change its height according to the aspect ratio of the default width and height.

  • If both options are true, the gallery will change its width and height to the size of its parent container.This option is useful if you want to create a fullscreen photo and image gallery.

The supported parameters of skin, size and background include:

Name Description Default value
skin set up the skin name horizontal. The version 4.6 supports 7 skins:darkness, light, vertical, showcase, horizontal, gallery, mediapage
width width of image display area 480. This is the size of the image display area, not the size of the whole gallery. The size of the gallery is decided by the size of image and carousel.
height height of image display area 270
resizemode resize mode of image fill . There are two options fit and fill.
padding padding around the gallery 12
bgcolor background color of the gallery #444444. This option will be ignored if the parameter bgimage is configured. To enable this parameter, you need to configure bgimage as a null string.
bgimage background image of the gallery background.jpg. The background image must be located inside the folder html5gallery/skins/(skinname).
responsive configure the HTML5 gallery as fully responsive false
The HTML5 Gallery will be fully responsive if this option is configured as true: The gallery will adjust its width to the full width of its parent container, and change its height according the aspect ratio of the default width and height.
responsivefullscreen configure the HTML5 gallery to expand itself to the width and height of its parent container false.
This option is only valid when the option responsive is true.
  • If the option responsive is true, but responsivefullscreen is false, the gallery will change its width to the width of its parent container, but change its height according to the aspect ratio of the default width and height.
  • If both options are true, the gallery will change its width and height to the size of its parent container.

Setup Auto Slideshow and Play Randomly

Name Description Default value
autoslide automatically play slideshow

false. The slideshow will automatically play on startup if this parameter is set to true. When autoslide is true, the video will also automatically play on startup.

autoplayvideo automatically start playing video true
html5player Set HTML5 video player as perferrable true. When HTML5 is supported by the web browser and the corresponding video format is provided, HTML5 Gallery will use HTML5 video player, otherwise, it will fallback to Flash player
defaultvideovolume Configure the default video volume (from 0 to 1) 1
slideshowinterval time interval (ms) between two slides 6000
random randomly play slideshow false
loop loop play times


When the value is 0 and autoslide is true, the slideshow will loop forever. To set the slideshow only play once then stop, add a data tag:


effect transition effects of slideshow

fade, crossfade, slide

To apply multiple effects, use data tag data-effect="fade,crossfade,slide"

duration duration of fade and crossfade effects 1500
easing easing effect easeOutCubic
slide duration and easing of slide effect {duration:1000,easing:"easeOutCubic"}
showtimer show line timer on the bottom of image when slideshow mode is on true

Version 1.0 supports two transition effects:

fadeOut: The current image fades out totally before the next image fades in.

fade: The current image fades out and the next image fades in simultaneously.

You can set up two effects with data-transitioneffect="fadeOut,fade". The gallery will choose one effect randomly for each animation.

The following gallery will automatically and randomly slideshow the images.

<div class="html5gallery" data-autoslide="true" data-random="true" data-width="400" data-height="225" style="display:none;">
    <a href="images/Waves_1024.jpg"><img src="images/Waves_256.jpg" alt="Waves"></a>
    <a href="images/Island_large.jpg"><img src="images/Island_small.jpg" alt="Island"></a>
    <a href="images/OperaHouse_large.jpg"><img src="images/OperaHouse_small.jpg" alt="Opera House"></a>

Add YouTube Video

Adding YouTube to the gallery is very easy, just like adding an image or a local video.

The following codes add a YouTube video to the Gallery. The thumbnail is specified in the img tag, the video source is defined in href attribute of the surrounded a tag. The title is defined in alt attribute of img tag.

<div class="html5gallery" data-width="400" data-height="225" style="display:none;">
    <a href=""><img src="" alt="Big Buck Bunny - Youtube Video"></a>

The format of a YouTube video source should be You can find the VIDEO_ID from the web browser address bar.

You can also click the button Share, then click Embed, and directly copy the src value from the HTML code.

Each YouTube video comes with four images:

The image is a full size image, the other three are thumbnails.

Lightbox Popup

By default, the gallery will open the lightbox popup when clicking on the full screen button. To open the image in lightbox popup when clicking on the image itself, you can use data tag data-lightbox="true". For example:

<div class="html5gallery" data-lightbox="true" data-width="480" data-height="270" style="display:none;">
    <a href="images/Trees_large.jpg"><img src="images/Trees_small.jpg" alt="Trees"></a>
    <a href="images/Island_large.jpg"><img src="images/Island_small.jpg" alt="Island"></a>
    <a href="images/OperaHouse_large.jpg"><img src="images/OperaHouse_small.jpg" alt="Opera House"></a>

You can also add a class name html5gallerylightbox to each a tag. For example:

<div class="html5gallery" data-width="480" data-height="270" style="display:none;">
    <a href="images/Trees_large.jpg" class="html5gallerylightbox"><img src="images/Trees_small.jpg" alt="Trees"></a>
    <a href="images/Island_large.jpg" class="html5gallerylightbox"><img src="images/Island_small.jpg" alt="Island"></a>
    <a href="images/OperaHouse_large.jpg" class="html5gallerylightbox"><img src="images/OperaHouse_small.jpg" alt="Opera House"></a>

Add Vimeo Video

The following codes add a Vimeo video to the Gallery. The thumbnail is specified in the img tag, the video source is defined in href attribute of the surrounded a tag. The title is defined in alt attribute of img tag.

<div class="html5gallery" data-width="400" data-height="225" style="display:none;">
    <a href=";byline=0&amp;portrait=0"><img src="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_3.jpg" alt="Vimeo Video"></a>    

To get the URL address of a Vimeo video, click Embed on top of the video and copy the src value from the iframe embed code. There is not a direct address of the video image, you can use a local image as the thumbnail.

Image and Video Toolbox

When moving mouse over a slide, a toolbox will show up. For an image, there are four buttons on the toolbox. For a video, there are three buttons.

Name Description Default value
showimagetoolbox configure show up of toolbox


There are three options: image: only show toolbox for images. always: show toolbox for images and videos. none: do not show toolbox.

imagetoolboxstyle define image toolbox style


There are two options: center: display toolbox in the center of the slideshow; side: the previous and next buttons is on the left and right side of slideshow, the fullscreen and play buttons are on the right bottom.

showplaybutton show play button true
showprevbutton show previous button true
shownextbutton show next button true
showfullscreenbutton show fullscreen button true

To configure the toolbox showing up for both videos and image, we can add a data attribute to the div data-showimagetoolbox="always".

<div class="html5gallery" data-showimagetoolbox="always" data-width="400" data-height="225" style="display:none;">
     <a href="images/Waves_1024.jpg"><img src="images/Waves_256.jpg" alt="Waves"></a>
     <a href="images/Island_large.jpg"><img src="images/Island_small.jpg" alt="Island"></a>

Carousel and Thumbnails

You can customize the carousel and thumbnails with HTML5 data tag. For skin related carousel and thumbnails configuration, you can visit Configure Default Skin and Configure Vertical Skin.

Name Description Default value
showcarousel show carousel


carouselbgtransparent This options will force the background of carousel to transparent. true for Skin Light
carouselmargin margin between carousel and image show area 8
thumbwidth thumbnail width 48 for Skin Default
148 for Skin Vertical
thumbheight thumbnail height 48
thumbgap distance between two thumbnails 4
thumbmargin margin around thumbnails area 6
thumbimagebordercolor color of image border #cccccc
thumbshowplayonvideo show a small play button on thumbnail if the item is a video true

The following code will hide carousel and set up the width and height of thumbnail as 60.

<div class="html5gallery" data-width="480" data-height="270" data-showcarousel="false" data-thumbwidth="60" data-thumbheight="60" style="display:none;">
    <a href="images/Trees_large.jpg"><img src="images/Trees_small.jpg" alt="Trees"></a>
    <a href="images/Island_large.jpg"><img src="images/Island_small.jpg" alt="Island"></a>
    <a href="images/OperaHouse_large.jpg"><img src="images/OperaHouse_small.jpg" alt="Opera House"></a>


You can place the title bar above or below the image display area, you can also show or hide the titlr bar, set up its height and define the text style with css.

Name Description Default value
titleoverlay overlay title on top of image and video true
titleautohide auto hide title bar true
headerpos position of the title bar


showtitle show or hide title bar true
shownumbering show order of current slide in the whole gallery false
numberingformat the format of the numbering string. %NUM will be replaced with the order of current slide, %TOTAL will be replaced with the number of slides. "%NUM / %TOTAL "
titleheight height of title bar 45
titlecss define text style of title {color:#ffffff; font-size:16px; font-family:Armata, sans-serif, Arial; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap;}
titlecsslink defint style of links in title a {color:#ffffff;}
titlefullscreencss defint text style of title in the LightBox window {color:#333333; font-size:16px; font-family:Armata, sans-serif, Arial; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap; line-height:40px;}
titlefullscreencsslink define styles of links in title in the LightBox window a {color:#333333;}

Configure as an HTML5 Video Player

If you have only one video file, you can use HTML5 data tag to configure HTML5 Gallery, and make it a single video player. A demo player can be viewed at Demo Video Player.

<div class="html5gallery" data-width="480" data-height="270" data-src="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.m4v" data-title="Big Buck Bunny - Copyright Blender Foundation" style="display:none;"></div>

In the above code, we set up the class of the div to html5gallery, set up the video URL with data-src, configure the title with data-title, set up its size with data-width and data-height, the video player is ready to go.

Setup Google Analytics Event Tracking

HTML5 Gallery has built-in support for Google Analytics. All you need to is to configure your account id in the HTML5 data tag, then you can view how many times your images and videos have been visited.

The following code sets up the Google Analytics account id to UA-29319282-1 by using HTML5 data tag data-googleanalyticsaccount="UA-29319282-1".

<div class="html5gallery" data-width="480" data-height="270" data-googleanalyticsaccount="UA-29319282-1"  style="display:none;">
    <a href="images/Trees_large.jpg"><img src="images/Trees_small.jpg" alt="Trees"></a>
    <a href="images/Island_large.jpg"><img src="images/Island_small.jpg" alt="Island"></a>
    <a href="images/OperaHouse_large.jpg"><img src="images/OperaHouse_small.jpg" alt="Opera House"></a>

To view the logging data, log into your Google Analytics account, then go to the Standard Reporting.

On the left navigation bar, go to Content -> Events.

In the Events area, you can view how many times images have been visited and how many times videos have been played, you can also find how many times a play event or an error event has been occurred. In the Event Label, you can find the statistics of each image or video.

Google Analytics also shows the visiting statistics of web page where the Gallery is in.

Configure Social Media

HTML5 Gallery integrates built-in support for Facebook Like button, Twitter Tweet button and Google +1 Button.

The Social Media Bar will be displayed below Title Bar. The position is configurated by the parameter headerpos.

The height of Social Media Bar is configured by parameter socialheight. You can set up a different URL with parameters facebooklikeurl, twitterurl, googleplusurl. If these parameters are not set up, HTML5 Gallery will use current URL address for social media bookmark.

If parameter socialurlforeach is set to true, HTML5 Gallery will add a parameter html5galleryid=XXXto the end of the bookmarked URL. In this way, when a user clicks the link and go to your webpage, the Gallery will directly go to the specified image or video.

The list of all social media parameters are as following:

Name Description Default value
showsocialmedia whether to show social media bar true
socialheight the height of social bar


socialurlforeach set up a unique link for each image or video false
showfacebooklike show Facebook Like button true
facebooklikeurl URL of Facebook Like ""
showtwitter show Twitter Tweet button true
twitterurl URL for Twitter Tweet ""
twitterusername Username of your Twitter account ""
showgoogleplus show Google +1 button true
googleplusurl URL for Google +1 ""

XML Playlist

Using XML allows you to define a playlist of images and videos outside of the HTML file. An XML file is actually a text file, the format of the XML file is as following:

<linktarget>_blank</linktarget> </slide> <slide> <file>images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.m4v</file> <thumbnail>images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.jpg</thumbnail> <title>Big Buck Bunny</title> </slide> <slide> <file></file> <thumbnail></thumbnail> <title>Big Buck Bunny - YouTube</title> </slide> <slide> <file>;byline=0&amp;portrait=0</file> <thumbnail>;byline=0&amp;portrait=0</thumbnail> <title>Big Buck Bunny - Vimeo</title> </slide> </playlist>

The <file> is the path to the large image file or linked video address, to specify an extra video format for Firefox HTML5 player, you can use tag <file-webm> or <file-ogg>.

The <thumbnail> is the address of thumbnail image, the <title> is self-explanatory.

If you want to display a longer text, you can add a field <information>. If <information> is added, <title>will be displayed as text on thumbnail, and <information> will be displayed as text under or above image.

The <link> is URL address of the link. Since there are special characters in a URL address, you need to use <![CDATA[ and ]]> to wrap it. The <linktarget> defines the target of the link.

There are two parameters for external XML playlist file:

Name Description Default value
xml the address of XML file


If you are using a relative address, the path is related to the current web page.

xmlnocache do not cache XML file true

The following gallery will read play list from the XML file "player.xml" which is at the same directory of current web page.

<div class="html5gallery" data-width="480" data-height="270" data-xml="player.xml"  style="display:none;">

Setup Google Web Fonts

Google Web Fonts is a collection of hundreds of free, open-source fonts optimized for the web.

HTML5 Gallery has built-in support for Google Web Fonts, so you can use the stylish free fonts for the title text display.

To use Google Web Fonts, on Google Web Fonts, click Start Choosing Fonts, browse and select a font.

You can then use parameter googlefonts to include the font to the gallery. For example, data-googlefonts="Armata" will load the web font Armata. You can then use the font name in the titlecss parameter: data-titlecss=" {color:#ffffff; font-size:16px; font-family:Armata, sans-serif, Arial; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap;}".

If you are going to load multiple fonts, you can seperate each font with |. For example, data-googlefonts="Dosis|Berkshire+Swash" will load two fonts Dosis and Berkshire Swash

Watermark Branding

The Free Version comes with logo. The Commercial Version is free from log and you can also use an image file as your own logo.

The following code will add the image as the watermark: data-watermark="". The watermark can be a JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF image file, it will be displayed on the top left corner of the gallery.

Customize Default Skin

Apart from parameters defined in sections of 5. Skin, Size and Background, 6. Setup Auto Slideshow and Play Randomly, 9. Image and Video Toolbox, 10. Carousel and Thumbnails, 11. Title, there are several parameters only related with Default Skin.

Name Description Default value
carouselbgcolorstart the start color of carousel background gradient


carouselbgcolorend the end color of carousel background gradient #292c31
carouselbgimage caroubel background image


The image must be placed inside the folder html5gallery/skins/(skinname)

carouseltopborder color of carousel bar top border #666666
carouselbottomborder color of carousel bar bottom border #111111

Customize Vertical Skin

Apart from parameters defined in sections of 5. Skin, Size and Background, 6. Setup Auto Slideshow and Play Randomly, 9. Image and Video Toolbox, 10. Carousel and Thumbnails, 11. Title, there are several parameters only related with Default Skin.

Name Description Default value
carouselposition position of carousel bar


There are two options: left and right.

thumbshowimage show image true
thumbshowtitle show title on thumbnail true
thumbtitlecss title css on thumbnail "{text-align:center; color:#ffffff; font-size:12px; font-family:Armata, sans-serif, Arial; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap;}"
carouselbgcolorstart the start color of carousel background gradient


carouselbgcolorend the end color of carousel background gradient #292c31
carouselbgimage caroubel background image


The image must be placed inside the folder html5gallery/skins/(skinname)

carouseltopborder color of carousel bar top border #666666
carouselbottomborder color of carousel bar bottom border #111111
carouselhighlightbgcolorstart the start color of carousel background gradient on highlight #999999
carouselhighlightbgcolorend the end color of carousel background gradient on highlight #666666
carouselhighlightbgimage caroubel background image on highlight


The image must be placed inside the folder html5gallery/skins/(skinname)

carouselhighlighttopborder color of carousel bar top border on highlight #cccccc
carouselhighlightbottomborder color of carousel bar bottom border on highlight #444444

Customize Light Skin

Apart from parameters defined in sections of 5. Skin, Size and Background, 6. Setup Auto Slideshow and Play Randomly, 9. Image and Video Toolbox, 10. Carousel and Thumbnails, 11. Title, there are several parameters only related with Default Skin.

Name Description Default value
slideshadow show shadow around image display area true
thumbshadow show shadow around thumbnail true
carouselbgcolorstart the start color of carousel background gradient


carouselbgcolorend the end color of carousel background gradient #ffffff
carouselbgimage caroubel background image


The image must be placed inside the folder html5gallery/skins/(skinname)

carouseltopborder color of carousel bar top border #ffffff
carouselbottomborder color of carousel bar bottom border #ffffff

Customize Horizontal Skin

Apart from parameters defined in sections of 5. Skin, Size and Background, 6. Setup Auto Slideshow and Play Randomly, 9. Image and Video Toolbox, 10. Carousel and Thumbnails, 11. Title, there are several parameters only related with Default Skin.

Name Description Default value
galleryshadow show shadow around whole gallery true
carouselbgcolorstart the start color of carousel background gradient


carouselbgcolorend the end color of carousel background gradient #392c31
carouselbgimage caroubel background image


The image must be placed inside the folder html5gallery/skins/(skinname)

carouseltopborder color of carousel bar top border #555555
carouselbottomborder color of carousel bar bottom border #ffffff

Mediapage Skin

By adding a data tag data-skin="mediapage" you can create a gallery with multiple-row thumbnails.

Name Description Default value
thumbrowgap gap between rows 16
thumbwidth width of thumbnail 120
thumbheight height of thumbnail 60
thumbgap gap between columns 10
thumbshowtitle whether to display title under the thumbnail true
thumbtitleheight height of thumbnail title 24
thumbtitlecss title CSS {text-align:center; color:#000; font-size:12px; font-family:Armata,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; overflow:hidden;}


Event supported by HTML5 Gallery:

onchange: The event will be be fired on changing the slide.

onvideoend: The event will be be fired when the video playing ends.

onthumbover: The event will be be fired when the mouse moves over the thumbnail.

onthumbclick: The event will be be fired when a thumbnail is clicked.

onslideshowover: The event will be be fired when the mouse moves over the slideshow.

The demo codes are as following. data is the data array of current slide object, the definition is [index, Thumbnail address, File address, File address for video ogg file, Fire address for video webm file, Link address, Link target, Title, Description, Type, Width, Height].

<script language="JavaScript">
    function onSlideChange(data) {
        try {
        } catch (error)   {}
<div class="html5gallery" data-width="480" data-height="270" data-onchange="onSlideChange" style="display:none;">
    <a href="images/Trees_large.jpg"><img src="images/Trees_small.jpg" alt="Trees"></a>
    <a href="images/Island_large.jpg"><img src="images/Island_small.jpg" alt="Island"></a>
    <a href="images/OperaHouse_large.jpg"><img src="images/OperaHouse_small.jpg" alt="Opera House"></a>